Gender of German Nouns

Masculine Nouns

Ending in -el, -er, -ich/-ig, -ling, -s
Nouns taken from other language ending in -ant, -ast, -ismus, -ist, -or

Season, months, days of week, and point of the compass
Nouns referring to things that perform and action

Feminine Nouns

Ending in -e
-a, -age, -ei, -heit/-keit, -itis, -schaft, -ung, -ur
Nouns taken from other language ending in -anz, -enz, -ie, -ik, -ion, -tät

Trees, flowers and fruit
Numbers used in counting one, three, fifty

Neuter Nouns

-il, -ium, -nis, -tel, -tum
Ge-, Ge- -e
Diminutives ending in -chen, -lein
Nouns taken from other language ending in -at, -ett, -fon, -ing, -ma, -ment, -um/-ium

Young humans and animals
Infinitives used as nouns

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